Catchup – watch our latest service.
Unfortunately due to a technical issue with sound, we cannot publish the sermon for 16th February. We apologise.
Pastor Dave closes our series on the Sermon on the Mount. is protected from unwanted spam by CleanTalkl. Having created the site, instantly we began having increasing problems with spam. So much so, it became too much to manually deal with. After trying several plugins for our WordPress site I finally discovered CleanTalk. Easy to install and configure. In no time at all the spam…
Unexpectedly this week (16th February 2025), we found the senior hall had been double booked. We had to make a quick change to back to the junior school hall. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this caused.The plan is this:23rd February LCC at the junior School hall2nd March LCC back at the senior school hall….
Women’s studies begin on Monday, October 21, 10am at Cowart’s residence in central Larnaca.The study is called ” When You Pray“, a study of 6 prayers in the Bible.
When is a good time to get involved in church? If you are new amongst us, enjoy your first six months getting to know us. After that, joining a team is a great way to make friends, and participate in the mission of God. We encourage spectators to become participants, and participants to become part…
Explorers is for children aged 3-10. At Larnaca Community Church we want every child to know God and grow in their faith. We offer lots of fun and creative activities to help children and families do this.
From Sunday 16th February, we begin our new series based on two prophets to Nineveh, Jonah and Nahum.Both Jonah and Nahum announce Nineveh’s destruction, but about a century apart.See preaching schedule below, and why not read ahead. 16 February Wk 1 Introduction to Jonah Scripture: Jonah 1:1-3. 23 February Wk…